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Dataobj Filesystem Layer

This module holds the methods used to access, modify, and delete components of the filesystem where Dataobjs are stored in Archivy.


Tree like file-structure used to build file navigation in Archiv

Source code in archivy/
class Directory:
    """Tree like file-structure used to build file navigation in Archiv"""

    def __init__(self, name): = name
        self.child_files = []
        self.child_dirs = {}

build_dir_tree(path, query_dir, load_content=False)

Builds a structured tree of directories and data objects.

  • path: name of the directory relative to the root directory.
  • query_dir: absolute path of the directory we're building the tree of.
Source code in archivy/
def build_dir_tree(path, query_dir, load_content=False):
    Builds a structured tree of directories and data objects.

    - **path**: name of the directory relative to the root directory.
    - **query_dir**: absolute path of the directory we're building the tree of.
    datacont = Directory(path or "root")
    for filepath in query_dir.rglob("*"):
        current_path = filepath.relative_to(query_dir)
        current_dir = datacont

        # iterate through parent directories
        for segment in[:-1]:
            # directory has not been saved in tree yet
            if segment not in current_dir.child_dirs:
                current_dir.child_dirs[segment] = Directory(segment)
            current_dir = current_dir.child_dirs[segment]

        # handle last part of current_path
        last_seg =[-1]
        if filepath.is_dir():
            if last_seg not in current_dir.child_dirs:
                current_dir.child_dirs[last_seg] = Directory(last_seg)
            current_dir = current_dir.child_dirs[last_seg]
        elif last_seg.endswith(".md"):
            data = load_frontmatter(filepath, load_content=load_content)
    return datacont

create(contents, title, path='')

Helper method to save a new dataobj onto the filesystem.

  • contents: md file contents
  • title - title used for filename
  • path
Source code in archivy/
def create(contents, title, path=""):
    Helper method to save a new dataobj onto the filesystem.


    - **contents**: md file contents
    - **title** - title used for filename
    - **path**
    filename = secure_filename(title)
    data_dir = get_data_dir()
    max_filename_length = 255
    if len(filename + ".md") > max_filename_length:
        filename = filename[0 : max_filename_length - 3]
    if not is_relative_to(data_dir / path, data_dir):
        path = ""
    path_to_md_file = data_dir / path / f"{filename}.md"
    with open(path_to_md_file, "w", encoding="utf-8") as file:

    return path_to_md_file


Create dir of given name

Source code in archivy/
def create_dir(name):
    """Create dir of given name"""
    root_dir = get_data_dir()
    new_path = root_dir / name.strip("/")
    if is_relative_to(new_path, root_dir):
        new_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
        return str(new_path.relative_to(root_dir))
    return False


Deletes dir of given name

Source code in archivy/
def delete_dir(name):
    """Deletes dir of given name"""
    root_dir = get_data_dir()
    target_dir = root_dir / name
    if not is_relative_to(target_dir, root_dir) or target_dir == root_dir:
        return False
        return True
    except FileNotFoundError:
        return False


Delete dataobj of given id

Source code in archivy/
def delete_item(dataobj_id):
    """Delete dataobj of given id"""
    file = get_by_id(dataobj_id)
    if file:


Converts normal md of file at path to formatted archivy markdown file, with yaml front matter and a filename of format "{id}-{old_filename}.md"

Source code in archivy/
def format_file(path: str):
    Converts normal md of file at `path` to formatted archivy markdown file, with yaml front matter
    and a filename of format "{id}-{old_filename}.md"

    from archivy.models import DataObj

    data_dir = get_data_dir()
    path = Path(path)
    if not path.exists():

    if path.is_dir():
        for filename in path.iterdir():

        new_file ="r", encoding="utf-8")
        file_contents =
            # get relative path of object in `data` dir
            datapath = path.parent.resolve().relative_to(data_dir)
        except ValueError:
            datapath = Path()

        note_dataobj = {
            "title":".md", ""),
            "content": file_contents,
            "type": "note",
            "path": str(datapath),

        dataobj = DataObj(**note_dataobj)

            f"Formatted and moved {str(datapath /} to {dataobj.fullpath}"


Returns filename of dataobj of given id

Source code in archivy/
def get_by_id(dataobj_id):
    """Returns filename of dataobj of given id"""
    results = list(get_data_dir().rglob(f"{dataobj_id}-*.md"))
    return results[0] if results else None


Returns the directory where dataobjs are stored

Source code in archivy/
def get_data_dir():
    """Returns the directory where dataobjs are stored"""
    return Path(current_app.config["USER_DIR"]) / "data"


Gets all dir names where dataobjs are stored

Source code in archivy/
def get_dirs():
    """Gets all dir names where dataobjs are stored"""
    # join glob matchers
    dirnames = [
        for dir_path in get_data_dir().rglob("*")
        if dir_path.is_dir()

    return dirnames


Returns a Post object with the given dataobjs' attributes

Source code in archivy/
def get_item(dataobj_id):
    """Returns a Post object with the given dataobjs' attributes"""
    file = get_by_id(dataobj_id)
    if file:
        data = frontmatter.load(file)
        data["fullpath"] = str(file)
        data["dir"] = str(file.parent.relative_to(get_data_dir()))
        # replace . for root items to ''
        if data["dir"] == ".":
            data["dir"] = ""
        return data
    return None

get_items(collections=[], path='', structured=True, json_format=False, load_content=False)

Gets all dataobjs.

  • collections - filter dataobj by type, eg. bookmark / note
  • path - filter by path
  • **structured: if set to True, will return a Directory object, otherwise data will just be returned as a list of dataobjs
  • json_format: boolean value used internally to pre-process dataobjs to send back a json response.
  • load_content: internal value to disregard post content and not save them in memory if they won't be accessed.
Source code in archivy/
def get_items(
    collections=[], path="", structured=True, json_format=False, load_content=False
    Gets all dataobjs.


    - **collections** - filter dataobj by type, eg. bookmark / note
    - **path** - filter by path
    - **structured: if set to True, will return a Directory object, otherwise
      data will just be returned as a list of dataobjs
    - **json_format**: boolean value used internally to pre-process dataobjs
      to send back a json response.
    - **load_content**: internal value to disregard post content and not save them in memory if they won't be accessed.
    data_dir = get_data_dir()
    query_dir = data_dir / path
    if not is_relative_to(query_dir, data_dir) or not query_dir.exists():
        raise FileNotFoundError
    if structured:
        return build_dir_tree(path, query_dir, load_content=load_content)
        datacont = []
        for filepath in query_dir.rglob("*.md"):
            data = load_frontmatter(filepath, load_content=load_content)
            data["fullpath"] = str(filepath.parent.relative_to(query_dir))
            if len(collections) == 0 or any(
                [collection == data["type"] for collection in collections]
                if json_format:
                    dict_dataobj = data.__dict__
                    # remove unnecessary yaml handler
        return datacont

is_relative_to(sub_path, parent)

Implement pathlib is_relative_to only available in python 3.9

Source code in archivy/
def is_relative_to(sub_path, parent):
    """Implement pathlib `is_relative_to` only available in python 3.9"""
        parent_path = Path(parent).resolve()
        return True
    except ValueError:
        return False

move_item(dataobj_id, new_path)

Move dataobj of given id to new_path

Source code in archivy/
def move_item(dataobj_id, new_path):
    """Move dataobj of given id to new_path"""
    file = get_by_id(dataobj_id)
    data_dir = get_data_dir()
    out_dir = (data_dir / new_path).resolve()
    if not file:
        raise FileNotFoundError
    if (out_dir /[-1]).exists():
        raise FileExistsError
    elif is_relative_to(out_dir, data_dir) and out_dir.exists():  # check file isn't
        return shutil.move(str(file), f"{get_data_dir()}/{new_path}/")
    return False


Cross platform way of opening file on user's computer

Source code in archivy/
def open_file(path):
    """Cross platform way of opening file on user's computer"""
    if platform.system() == "Windows":
    elif platform.system() == "Darwin":
        subprocess.Popen(["open", path])
        subprocess.Popen(["xdg-open", path])


Saves image to USER_DATA_DIR

Returns: filename where image has been saved.

Source code in archivy/
def save_image(image: FileStorage):
    Saves image to USER_DATA_DIR

    Returns: filename where image has been saved.
    base_path = Path(current_app.config["USER_DIR"]) / "images"
    fileparts = image.filename.rsplit(".", 1)
    sanitized_filename = secure_filename(fileparts[0])
    dest_path = base_path / f"{sanitized_filename}.{fileparts[1]}"
    i = 1
    while dest_path.exists():
        dest_path = base_path / f"{sanitized_filename}-{i}.{fileparts[1]}"
        i += 1

unformat_file(path, out_dir)

Converts normal md of file at path to formatted archivy markdown file, with yaml front matter and a filename of format "{id}-{old_filename}.md"

Source code in archivy/
def unformat_file(path: str, out_dir: str):
    Converts normal md of file at `path` to formatted archivy markdown file, with yaml front matter
    and a filename of format "{id}-{old_filename}.md"

    data_dir = get_data_dir()
    path = Path(path)
    out_dir = Path(out_dir)
    if not path.exists() and out_dir.exists() and out_dir.is_dir():

    if path.is_dir():
        for filename in path.iterdir():
            unformat_file(filename, str(out_dir))

        dataobj = frontmatter.load(str(path))

            # get relative path of object in `data` dir
            datapath = path.parent.resolve().relative_to(data_dir)
        except ValueError:
            datapath = Path()

        # create subdir if doesn't exist
        (out_dir / datapath).mkdir(exist_ok=True)
        new_path = out_dir / datapath / f"{dataobj.metadata['title']}.md"
        with"w") as f:
            f"Unformatted and moved {str(path)} to {str(new_path.resolve())}"

update_item_frontmatter(dataobj_id, new_frontmatter)

Given an object id, this method overwrites the front matter of the post with new_frontmatter.

date: Str id: Str path: Str tags: List[Str] title: Str type: note/bookmark

Source code in archivy/
def update_item_frontmatter(dataobj_id, new_frontmatter):
    Given an object id, this method overwrites the front matter
    of the post with `new_frontmatter`.

    date: Str
    id: Str
    path: Str
    tags: List[Str]
    title: Str
    type: note/bookmark

    from archivy.models import DataObj

    filename = get_by_id(dataobj_id)
    dataobj = frontmatter.load(filename)
    for key in list(new_frontmatter):
        dataobj[key] = new_frontmatter[key]
    dataobj["modified_at"] ="%x %H:%M")
    md = frontmatter.dumps(dataobj)
    with open(filename, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f:

    converted_dataobj = DataObj.from_md(md)
    converted_dataobj.fullpath = str(

update_item_md(dataobj_id, new_content)

Given an object id, this method overwrites the inner content of the post with new_content.

This means that it won't change the frontmatter (eg tags, id, title) but it can change the file content.

For example:

If we have a dataobj like this:

id: 1
title: Note

# This is random

Calling update_item(1, "# This is specific") will turn it into:

id: 1 # unchanged
title: Note

# This is specific
Source code in archivy/
def update_item_md(dataobj_id, new_content):
    Given an object id, this method overwrites the inner
    content of the post with `new_content`.

    This means that it won't change the frontmatter (eg tags, id, title)
    but it can change the file content.

    For example:

    If we have a dataobj like this:

    id: 1
    title: Note

    # This is random

    Calling `update_item(1, "# This is specific")` will turn it into:

    id: 1 # unchanged
    title: Note

    # This is specific

    from archivy.models import DataObj

    filename = get_by_id(dataobj_id)
    dataobj = frontmatter.load(filename)
    dataobj["modified_at"] ="%x %H:%M")
    dataobj.content = new_content
    md = frontmatter.dumps(dataobj)
    with open(filename, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f:

    converted_dataobj = DataObj.from_md(md)
    converted_dataobj.fullpath = str(