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This is a short guide on the things you should know if you'd like to contribute to Archivy.

Setting up a dev environment.

  • Fork the archivy repo and then clone the fork on your local machine.
  • Create a virtual environment by running python -m venv venv/. This will hold all archivy dependencies.
  • Run source venv/bin/activate to activate this new environment.
  • Run pip install -r requirements.txt to download all dependencies.

Running the dev server.

# after sourcing the virtualenv

$ export FLASK_APP=archivy/
$ export FLASK_ENV=development
$ flask run

Running cli commands

# after sourcing the virtualenv

$ python -m archivy.cli --help

If you'd like to work on an existing issue, please comment on the github thread for the issue to notify that you're working on it, and then create a new branch with a suitable name.

For example, if you'd like to work on something about "Improving the UI", you'd call it improve_ui. Once you're done with your changes, you can open a pull request and we'll review them.

Do not begin working on a new feature without first discussing it and opening an issue, as we might not agree with your vision.

If your feature is more isolated and specific, it can also be interesting to develop a plugin for it, in which case we can help you with any questions related to plugin development, and would be happy to list your plugin on awesome-archivy.

Thanks for contributing!